Active Hope

Falmouth is a Model for Active Hope 

Active Hope is a collaborative model of power based on appreciating how much more we can achieve working together than as separate individuals. It is work the reconnects.”  Joanna Macy and Chris Johnson

The Resilient Woods Hole project, as a result of the connection people make with people, and people make with the environment, has moved from a sense of worry and despair about what the future holds to a new sense of hope. They put this hope in action by organizing and facilitating an interconnection to each other and to the community. Through the use of a collaborative model of planning and responding, they are making a connection to their environment and grieving for what could be lost, but proactively working to find solutions together.

Falmouth puts active hope into action by expanding their capacity for goods and services, forming coalitions, training and education, community led planning, youth programs for climate literacy, volunteer plans, climate change education, and infrastructure upgrades. All these actions illustrate their commitment to moving forward despite difficult circumstances.

“Active Hope is not wishful thinking.
Active Hope is not waiting to be rescued . . . .
by some savior.
Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life
on whose behalf we can act.
We belong to this world.
The web of life is calling us forth at this time.
We’ve come a long way and are here to play our part.
With Active Hope we realize that there are adventures in store,
strengths to discover, and comrades to link arms with.”
 ― Joanna Macy

The Great Turning

“The Great Turning, or the ecological revolution involves the transition from a doomed economy of industrial growth to a life-sustaining society committed to the recovery of our world. This transition is already well under way.”

The First Dimension….  Holding Actions

Falmouth’s resiliency project includes addressing ways to slow down the damage that had been caused by “Business as usual”. They are taking steps to identify climate damage and create programs and solutions that will protect what is left of our ecosystems. Collaborative groups brainstorm ways to campaign for a better future.

The Second Dimension…  Life Sustaining Systems and Practices  

Falmouth, through public education, technology such as apps, pod casts, interactive vulnerability maps ,climate walking trails and  climate action groups are helping people see that the choices they make matter. The economy becomes secondary to sustainability. Collaboration and inclusion of all people in the process creates a sense of pride and commitment which results in changes in values an priorities concerning consumption.

The Third Dimension…  Shifts in Consciousness.

The goal of Sustainable Wood’s Hole is to change the hearts of the people, develop a sense of responsibility and awareness for the future of the planet, and help people see its not too late to make changes. As they see how sea level rise effects them directly they will develop empathy for the  rest of the world  which is also feeling these effects of climate change.

Evidence of Change

 The community faces the climate disaster with resilience and creative and collaborative problem solving

* They are making a connection to their environment and grieving for what could be lost, but proactively working to find solutions together.

*  They are strengthening their capacity to think creatively and work together.

* Instead of falling into a sense of despair and powerlessness, they actively seek  change.